MEGATPERS is best captcha work site.we work on this side without investment just need computer ,best internet connection and your typing speed.I gave you full training who we can earn money through this side and other different site if i found.I teach you every thing of this side and about new changing made in site in Urdu earn easily 100$ per month if you work 3 hours daily work on night time.Megatper is gave us very easy and simple job.But you work with care and accurate.If you follow my instruction about this side you earn good money with successful way like a registration instruction to every aspect .If you feel any quarry must ask me about.
now I gave information about who we can register on site click on that link Registration new form open in you browsers like below picture than you fill form according to below instruction and following these step taken for registration after open form.
First of all you make account of Liberty Reserve or Paypal for make account of liberty reserve or paypal
First of all you make account of Liberty Reserve or Paypal for make account of liberty reserve or paypal
1-Verified and correct email address enter
2-Inter password as you like
3-Your original name on CNIC (for Payment through western union)
4-Invitation code inter these code :55A1 OR 5PB2
5-Payment option select as you like but best is Leberty Resrve.
6-Type Captcha show on screen
7-Click the button of registration.
8-You must inter invitation code otherwise some problem with you.
8-You must inter invitation code otherwise some problem with you.
Now you a Register user on Megatypers
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